Thursday, March 30, 2006


RIFLE STOCKS - Heather Martens: More must be done to protect kids from guns

Lacrosse TV

Heather Martens: More must be done to protect kids from guns
Minneapolis Star Tribune - The Star Tribune's March 23 editorial "Perception of youth crime not a reality" discusses only a decline in the perpetration of violence by youth, totally missing a major problem we still face. Our children and youth are increasingly the victims of

Men convicted of taking guns
Lynchburg News and Advance - One man said he did it, but another denied knowing anything about it. Raynard Graves, 27, of 816 Greenfield Drive, pleaded guilty Thursday in Lynchburg Circuit Court to robbing Matthew White of Rustburg at gunpoint on Nov. 28. According to

Do you like concealed guns? Do you like concealed guns?
Chanute Tribune - The state of Kansas now outlaws gay marriage, and will soon allow concealed carry. Do you suppose there's a correlation between the two? Perhaps, in the finest tradition of Fred Phelps, legislators want the new state motto to be: It's OK to shoot a

Shooting massacre warning is alleged
Toledo Blade - Toledo police are investigating a possible Columbine-type shooting massacre said to take place at Washington Junior High School either on Friday or Monday. A 14-year-old female student at the school, 5700 Whitmer Drive, and her mother filed a

Tennessee Prisons Ban Peanut Butter Jars
AOL - NASHVILLE, Tennessee (March 30) - The state Department of Correction has banned jars of peanut butter from state prisons because inmates were using them to conceal drugs and guns. Department investigators found that George Hyatte, an inmate accused

Bad idea file: Gun sale to help police chaplains
Tacoma News Tribune - The Tacoma-Pierce County Chaplaincy program does work most of us wouldn t want to do: When bad stuff happens, they show up and try to make it better. Hundreds of times a year, a chaplain helps a crime victim or an accident victim. Chaplains are

Police Look for Clues to What Fueled Seattle Killer's Rage
LA Times - SEATTLE Along with his twin brother Kane, Aaron Kyle Huff was voted "least school-spirited" in his senior year of high school in 1996, in the small northwest Montana town of Whitefish. The quiet twins both 6 feet 4 and pushing 275 pounds

Don't know where your code comes from? Send lawyers, guns, and money
ZDNet Blogs - I recently had the pleasure of doing a Q&A with Paul Hyman of . The subject was litigation, software IP, and how to prevent the two from coming together in a way that ruins your day . The implications for embedded software development and

Backstory: Philadelphia's 'guardian angel'
Christian Science Monitor - PHILADELPHIA Today, like too many mornings, Victoria Yancey begins her workday at a funeral. Dressed in a black suit and a string of pearls, she steps into the sprawling Deliverance Evangelistic Church to mourn someone she never met - 15-year-old

Weapons Bill Approved
WOWT - Lawmakers have approved a measure to allow Nebraskans to carry concealed weapons. If signed by the govneror, the measure would make Nebraska the 48th state to allow people to pack hidden guns in some fashion. On a 33-12 vote, Nebraska lawmakers have

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