Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Ghillie Suits - Gunned Down: US Congress Bows to the NRA on Tracing Weapons (United States)
ar-15 -
Gunned Down: US Congress Bows to the NRA on Tracing Weapons (United States)
[Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 17 June 2006]. It's always good in a gun battle to know who's with the guy in the black hat and who's got the back of the cowboy with the shiny silver star on his shirt. In the pistols-at-dawn standoff between the National Rifle Association and local police chiefs, Congress has backed the guys in the black hats. The evidence is lawmakers have voted several times in recent years for measures that temporarily...(
Sniper Country PX Web Store -
Sniper Country PX is the webs best place to fulfill all of your tactical gear needs including, ... CONTACT INFO. Sniper Country PX 3103 Pruss Hill Rd. Pottstown, PA 19464
British Arms Makers Join Call for Global UN Gun Trade Treaty (United Kingdom, United Nations)
[Financial Times (UK), 20 June 2006]. London - An unusual coalition of Britain's government, arms manufacturers and campaigning groups will call today for an international treaty to regulate arms sales. Their public expression of support for a treaty will follow a meeting today at the Foreign Office between Margaret Beckett, UK foreign secretary, and representatives of the Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) and campaigning...(
Sniper Country PX Web Store -
Sniper Country PX is the webs best place to fulfill all of your tactical gear needs including, ... CONTACT INFO. Sniper Country PX 3103 Pruss Hill Rd. Pottstown, PA 19464
Gun Registry Death Tabled: Canada's Conservatives Touch Off Hot Debate (Canada)
[Calgary Sun (Alberta), 20 June 2006]. OTTAWA -- The Conservative government touched off a hot summer debate over long guns yesterday as it tabled promised legislation to scrap the registry. Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day presented the bill to repeal the controversial program that has cost taxpayers nearly $1 billion over a decade. While all opposition parties officially oppose the move, Day said Tories are confident...(
Canada's Conservatives Introduce Legislation to Disarm Long-gun Registry (Canada)
[CTV/Canadian Press, 20 June 2006]. The Conservative government has introduced legislation to formally disarm the contentious long-gun registry, though the bill won't be voted on until the fall. "The effort of trying to track down every single long-gun (rifles and shotguns) in Canada has been ineffective, costly and wasteful and has not led to a reduction in crime with guns," Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day told the media...(
Illegal Guns are Africa's Real Weapons of Mass Destruction (South Africa, Africa)
[Star (Johannesburg), 19 June 2006]. Every day, gun violence kills more than 1 000 people around the world, leaving thousands more injured and bereft. This has led United Nations (UN) secretary general Kofi Annan to remark that in terms of the carnage they cause, "small arms could well be described as weapons of mass destruction". In 2001, UN member states committed to a programme of action to address the illicit trade...(
South African Control Arms Campaign Calls for Curbs on Global Gun Trade (South Africa, World)
[Business Day (Johannesburg), 20 June 2006]. With no comprehensive global standards to help governments regulate the arms export industry, global public opinion is building behind support for stronger international arms controls, says a survey by the Control Arms Campaign. The effect is that people around the world are supporting the call on governments to introduce global principles to regulate the transfer of weapons and ensure they...(
Gun Lobby Boss Shooting From the Lip: UN Rebuts NRA's Wayne LaPierre (United Nations, Canada, United States)
[Hamilton Spectator, 19 June 2006]. Re: 'UN threatens U.S. gun lovers; The world body is promoting a disarmament move and the National Rifle Association doesn't like that' (May 27) It was interesting to learn from Wayne LaPierre, the leader of the National Rifle Association, that he thinks the latest campaign against the United Nations will double the NRA's membership. But he should have verified some of his facts....(