Friday, July 21, 2006


RIFLE SCOPE - Talkin' to America: Experiences with the BATFE and the Department of Justice

Rifle Scopes

Telescopic Rife scopes have both advantages and disadvantages relative to iron sights. Standard doctrine with iron sights is to focus the eye on the front sight and align it with the resulting blur of the target and the rear sight; most shooters have difficulty doing this, as the eye tends to be drawn to the target, blurring both sights. Telescopic "Rife scopes" allow the user to focus on both the crosshair and the target at the same time, as the lenses project the crosshair into the distance (50 to 100 yards or meters for rimfire scopes, 150 or more for centerfire calibers). This, combined with telescopic magnification, clarifies the target and makes the target stand out against the background. The main disadvantage of magnification is that the area to either side of the target is obscured by the tube of the sight. The higher the magnification, the narrower the field of view in the Rife scopes , and the more area that is hidden. Rapid fire target shooters use red dot sights, which have no magnification; this gives them the best field of view while maintaining the single focal plane of a telescopic sight. Telescopic sights are expensive, and require additional training to align. Rife scope alignment with telescopic sights is a matter of making the field of vision circular to minimize parallax error.


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