Monday, January 08, 2007
Talkin' to America: (RED LIGHT STICKS) Gun Control = People Control
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Talkin' to America: Gun Control = People Control
Gun Control = People Control. An interview with William R. Tonso
Comment on Saddam Hussein's Execution:
"Just some thugs whacking a competitor.
"What's the attraction?"
-- Jomama
Talkin' to America: "Government, Keep Out!"
Inspirational Speech to download and distribute. View our alert on it at .
Talkin' to America: An Interview with Revolutionary War Veterans Association
Talkin' to America interviews the Fred of Fred's M14 Stocks, who is one of the founders of the Revolutionary War Veterans Association (RWVA), which is implementing its "Apple Seed" Rifle Program
Interview with Aaron Zelman interviews Aaron Zelman, Executive Director of JPFO
Blowing smoke up your ass
Say Uncle - the anti-smoking nazis are descending on Say Uncle's state, attempting to mandate non-smoking in bars and restaurants there. I posted the following comment: [publicola]
I have had a couple of periods of moderate smoking, but my lungs always vote to quit, and I have so far listened to them, especially now that I'm taking high blood pressure medication.
But I still firmly believe that smoking in privately owned establishments is a propery rights issue. If the owner wants to allow smoking, or ban it, it ain't nobody else's business. Don't like it, don't go there, or petition him to change his policy.
Pointing government guns at owners by making a "law" banning, or requiring a place for, smoking is criminal. Every legislator who votes for any such "law" and any cop who enforces it, should be tried for assault and kidnapping or conspiracy to commit mass assault and kidnapping, the proper names for unwarranted arrest. Kidnapping is a capital crime.
It Floats
Fred on Everything - on the lie called war. [jomama]
Soldiers do not realize, until too late, the contempt in which they are held by their betters. Here is the psychological foundation of the hobbyist wars of bus-station presidents. If you are, say, a Lance Corporal in some miserable region of Iraq, I have a question for you: Would your commanding general let you date his daughter? I spent my high-school years on a naval base, Dahlgren Naval Proving Ground as it was then called. Dahlgren was heavy with officers, scientists, and engineers. Their daughters, my classmates, were not allowed to associate with sailors. Oh yes, we honor our fighting men. We hold them in endless respect. Yes we do.
For that matter, Lance Corporal, ask how many members of Congress have even served, much less been in combat. Ask how many have children in the armed services. Look around you. Do you see many (any) guys from Harvard? Yale? MIT? Cornell? Exactly. The smart, the well-off, the powerful are not about to risk their irreplaceable sit-parts in combat. Nor are they going to mix with mere high-school graduates, with kids from small towns in Tennessee, with blue-collar riffraff who bowl and drink Bud at places with names like Lenny s Rib Room. One simply doesn t. One has standards.
You are being suckered, gang, just as we were.
Talkin' to America: An Interview with James Bovard
Talkin' to America interviews James Bovard, author of _Attention Deficit Democracy_, _Lost Rights_, and many other books.
If You Want to Speak Out, Speak Out!
nakedjen encourages you to speak out about what you care about. And she offers pictures and a video of a recent "Impeach Bush!" protest in San Francisco. [scripting:]
Talkin' to America: An Interview with Tim Schmidt
Talkin' to America interviews Tim Schmidt, Executive Director of the United States Concealed Carry Association and publisher of Concealed Carry magazine.