Thursday, February 15, 2007


February 9 - Today in the News (GUN ACCESSORIES)

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February 9 - Today in the News
  1. Statement from NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on ATF Rebuking Mayor Bloomberg's "Sting Operations"
  2. Feds Shoot Down Mike`s Gun Suit
  3. Despite DOJ Decision, Gun Cases Will Go Forward
  4. Repeal D.C.`s Gun Law
  5. Look At Qualifications And Records For Drivers, Too
  6. Columbus, OH: Moser Shoots Down Carry Reciprocity
  7. Washington: Debate In Senate Heated Over Gun-Show Restrictions
  8. Blog: Another Mayor Dumps Bloomberg

Queer Cabal Confirmed
Rich gay philanthropists secretly coordinating donations to tip statehouse races away from bigots. Man, the rightwing loonies are going to love this. Gill and Trimpa decided to eschew national races in favor of state and local ones, which could be influenced in large batches and for much less money. Most antigay measures, they discovered, originate [...]


Another Tennessee Self Defense Bill
Another is in the works. This one targets carjackers: Spurred by violent crime in Memphis and elsewhere, Tennessee legislators have filed several bills to expand the legal rights of people to use deadly force when threatened by would-be attackers. One would specifically allow people in motor vehicles to kill or “cause serious bodily injury” to attackers — [...]

February 15 - Today in the News
  1. Judge Cites Nagin, Riley
  2. Wisconsin: Fortify `Make My Day`
  3. Texas: Gun Control: Brady Misfires On Castle Doctrine
  4. Massachusetts DA Sutter Calls For Tougher Gun-Crime Penalties
  5. Blog Illinois: Taxing Gun Owners
  6. Blog DC: An End to the Ban?

Don?t say that, lest ye offend my delicate sensibilities
In this post, I mentioned that the nut job Sulejmen Talovic went on a shooting rampage was a Muslim. Then, I noted that the right wing blogs were wondering why this fact wasn’t mentioned much in the press. Persimmon’s PC radar went up and, first, I was accused of not knowing that Muslim [...]

I?m not a doctor but I play one on TeeVee
Grey’s Anatomy star Kate Walsh has a video shilling the anti-gun propaganda. It’s full of the standard misrepresentations and willful ignorance.

February 13 - Today in the News

February 12 - Today in the News

Speaking of death
Since we’re talking about it, I have a question about the more practical things that come from death. I have a will and a living will and insurance and all that. But it occurs to me: What happens to my blog when I die? Or, for that matter, my various email accounts? [...]

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