Thursday, February 15, 2007
February 9 - Today in the News (GUN ACCESSORIES)
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February 9 - Today in the News
- I should have noted yesterday that A Keyboard and a .45 blogged The Second Amendment, Civil Rights, and Black History Month.
- Alphecca makes a media comment in "Va. Gun Owners Go Ballistic...".
- And says "Bwahahaha on Bloomberg".
- Cam Edwards point to his TownHall article Smackdown in Gotham.
- Gun Legislation & Politics in New York stays local in COBIS stats for February.
- And has posted Wake up call for sportsmen part 6.
- From the NRA:
- Statement from NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris W. Cox on ATF Rebuking Mayor Bloomberg's "Sting Operations"
- Feds Shoot Down Mike`s Gun Suit
- Despite DOJ Decision, Gun Cases Will Go Forward
- Repeal D.C.`s Gun Law
- Look At Qualifications And Records For Drivers, Too
- Columbus, OH: Moser Shoots Down Carry Reciprocity
- Washington: Debate In Senate Heated Over Gun-Show Restrictions
- Blog: Another Mayor Dumps Bloomberg
- Of Arms and the Law also checks out US Attorneys slap down Bloomberg.
- Pro-Gun Progressive considers Barry and the DC Gun Ban.
- Publicola thinks Illinois Is Too Taxing For Gun Owners.
- Ride Fast & Shoot Straight goes to California in "Reporting a stolen gun law" study buried.
- Second City Cop points out Another Stupid Idea.
- And Cook County residents have 3 days to Get Rid of Your Guns!
- The View From North Central Idaho wants Bloomberg to pay A hint of attention to the law
- And considers the National Park Service in Another case where all natural must be better.
- Utah: U. gun treaty: Colleges would get little in the bargain
Queer Cabal Confirmed
Rich gay philanthropists secretly coordinating donations to tip statehouse races away from bigots. Man, the rightwing loonies are going to love this. Gill and Trimpa decided to eschew national races in favor of state and local ones, which could be influenced in large batches and for much less money. Most antigay measures, they discovered, originate [...]
Another Tennessee Self Defense Bill
Another is in the works. This one targets carjackers: Spurred by violent crime in Memphis and elsewhere, Tennessee legislators have filed several bills to expand the legal rights of people to use deadly force when threatened by would-be attackers. One would specifically allow people in motor vehicles to kill or “cause serious bodily injury” to attackers — [...]
February 15 - Today in the News
- The Volokh Conspiracy has posted a Request for Information on Sporting Use of Pump-Action Shotguns:
- Alphecca blogs Another Reason for "Castle Doctrine"
- And ponders the Demodouchbags Re-Introduce AWB.
- FreedomSight suggests you Always Follow the Rules for Gun Safety.
- The Gun Blogs highlight Rudy: "I Understand the 2nd Amendment".
- Gun Legislation & Politics in New York found McCarthy reintroduces gun ban.
- And has posted Legislative Report #3.
- John Lott is Correcting the New York Times on Right-to-Carry.
- Les Jones blogs "H.R. 1022: To reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes". We'll update as soon as the text is up.
- The Liberty Sphere continues Katie Couric on Guns, Christians, Castro, Conservatives.
- From the NRA:
- Judge Cites Nagin, Riley
- Wisconsin: Fortify `Make My Day`
- Texas: Gun Control: Brady Misfires On Castle Doctrine
- Massachusetts DA Sutter Calls For Tougher Gun-Crime Penalties
- Blog Illinois: Taxing Gun Owners
- Blog DC: An End to the Ban?
- Of Arms and the Law found Documentary on Second Amendment hits HotAir!
- And Clayton Cramer's book reviewed.
- PawPaw's House blogs Ray Nagin in Contempt.
- SayUncle considers Federal Gun Bills That Suck.
- 1-a-month limit on gun purchases proposed for N.J
- Trolley Square slayings heats up gun-control debate
- Finally and off topic, but here is one company that knows how to destroy any reputation they may have had: FTD Still Not Accepting Calls. My local grocer may not have the best flowers, but at least I know what I am paying for.
Don?t say that, lest ye offend my delicate sensibilities
In this post, I mentioned that the nut job Sulejmen Talovic went on a shooting rampage was a Muslim. Then, I noted that the right wing blogs were wondering why this fact wasn’t mentioned much in the press. Persimmon’s PC radar went up and, first, I was accused of not knowing that Muslim [...]
I?m not a doctor but I play one on TeeVee
Grey’s Anatomy star Kate Walsh has a video shilling the anti-gun propaganda. It’s full of the standard misrepresentations and willful ignorance.
February 13 - Today in the News
- A Keyboard and a .45 blogs a joke masquerading as Getting Tough on Crime in Utah.
- Alphecca is travelling with Castle Doctrine Coming to Texas.
- And Gun Rights Expanding in GA.
- Captain of a Crew of One goes long with SKS Legal Issues.
- Free Constitution has Shotgun Maniac in Trolley Square, SLC. Updated..
- Front Sight, Press considers Barack Obama on Gun Control.
- Gun Legislation & Politics in New York has a Westchester pistol licensing proposal update.
- And they are Moving up NY primary becuase of gun issues.
- Gun Toting Liberal Blog thinks “Gunman” (?) in Utah adds fuel to mounting GOP threat against our 2nd Amendment civil liberty To Keep And Bear Arms. He immediately dives into the “Guiliani’s” of the country. No doubt the Repubs have some losers, but the Dems have a bumper crop gun grabbers. I guess he forgot about the Clintons, Schumers, Feinsteins, etc.
- The Liberty Sphere blogs Rudy's Problem With Gun Rights.
- Live from the (upper) Texas Gulf Coast goes the same place in A Leopard Can't Change His Spots.
- Musings of The GeekWithA.45: Rudy Giuliani and Guns...NFW.
- From the NRA:
- Missouri: Senators Consider Gun Law Changes
- West Virginia: NRA`s `Castle Doctrine` Bill Passes
- Blog: The Frying Pan Defense
- Of Arms and the Law has found a Third mayor leaves Bloomberg group.
- And points out a Shakeup at ATF.
- Pro-Gun Progressive expands on Gun Control and the War of Words.
- SayUncle announces NFA Form Troubles and More ATF trouble.
- And Expanding Self Defense In Tennessee.
- Triggerfinger has More good news in Parker case.
- Canada: Shooting through loopholes
- Georgia: House approves concealed gun bill
February 12 - Today in the News
- First John Lott is Setting the record right, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence gets corrected.
- A Keyboard and a .45 has News From Up North.
- Alphecca blogs Giuliani on Gun Control, Part III.
- And considers Coffee, Tea, or Lead?.
- Blanchards Blog announces Urban Shooter Returns and points to the first Urban Shooter Podcast.
- Blogonomicon found a man with A dream for his daughter.
- Boots and Sabers blogs Rudy Giuliani On Gun Control.
- Cam Edwards goes BATFE: Not to Say “I Told You So”.
- Captain of a Crew of One appreciates Dave Hardy "In Search of the Second Amendment".
- Captain's Quarters finds Obama Goes After Hillary. The 2008 election season is going to run so long, all the candidates are going to be well bruised before election day.
- And blogs The Liberal Case For Strict Constructionism?.
- Crossroads believes The NAZI's have invaded the USA.
- Front Sight, Press considers Giuliani: Gun control helped lower crime.
- And A Slap on the Wrist for Bloomberg.
- Gun Legislation & Politics in New York has posted Wake up call for sportsmen part 7.
- And has found Another antigun initiative in Westchester?.
- John Lott points to a YouTube Video of Giuliani talking about Gun Control, the New York City Suit Against Gun Makers.
- And asks Does Giuliani have a tin ear on guns?
- The Liberty Sphere posted a LIBERTY ALERT! KEEP YOUR GUNS HANDY!
- The McCarville Report Online blogs the ABA Supports Employer Gun Control Issue.
- From the NRA:
- Blog: Shame on Them
- Blog: Blaming the Gun... Again
- Of Arms and the Law updates a Parker v. DC supplemental designation.
- Found ABA vs, NRA on guns in parking lots.
- Announces a Proposal to raise CCW permit fees in Nevada.
- And blogs a Letter to editor re: Fla Sun-Sentinel attack on CCW law.
- Wyoming: Panel: Allow bowhunters to carry firearms
- Finally, No Quarters thinks They're coming to take me away.
Speaking of death
Since we’re talking about it, I have a question about the more practical things that come from death. I have a will and a living will and insurance and all that. But it occurs to me: What happens to my blog when I die? Or, for that matter, my various email accounts? [...]