Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Springfield xd magazines
I bought mine from Springfield xd magazines. I got the dark earth gun and no one had them in stock with the matching x-tension. I could find the black ones all day. From what i remember buying them from SA wasn't that much more than any place else. I didn't think 37 dollars (Springfield xd magazine) was to unreasonable. If I wasn't so picky about how the gun looked I would bought the mags without the x-tension piece. 11.00 dollars for that little piece of rubbery plastic is a bit much. I just checked Midway's web site, they are only 1 dollar cheaper than SA.
Rifle Scopes
I remember the thread unvieling the Rifle Scopes. most of Arfcom supported the man in his endeavor. I remember SMGLee supporting him enthusiastically which carries some weight apparently. Back when SMG was trumpeting EOtech and the masses lined up to fellate L3 there were a few who said "I dont like EOTech" while flamed roundly time vindicates us all. Similar story with this scope. Many of us wanted to like it but i remember a lot of people saying "please dont have it made in china"
The truth is, it is horrendously overpriced considering its the nicest NCStar you ever saw. I would have liked to have seen him license his awesome reticle to a reputable company instead of going with the Rifle Scope.