Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In Finland, military-style semiautomatic rifles, or reservist rifles (reservil�iskiv��ri) as they are called in Finland, are popular among reservists who actively take part in volunteer defence training. The law allowing possession of reservist rifles for such purposes was approved in 1998. Popular weapons are AR-15 and semiautomatic variants of AK-47 and Finnish RKs, such as RK-92S and a semiautomatic variant of RK-76.
In other countries, semi-automatic rifles are allowed with certain restrictions, i.e. that the rifle not be chambered in a military caliber.
Ohio: NRA works towards Right-to-Carry in restaurants
Ohio permit holders cannot yet carry their handguns into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol, but gun advocates say it's only a matter of time. The National Rifle Association, with assistance from a pair of state based gun advocacy organizations, is once again showing off its significant muscle in the Ohio legislature.
New York: Micro-stamping is a waste of Legislature's time
When it comes to bills re introduced into the state Legislature, you can often set your watch to them. Once again, we're facing the issue of micro stamping semi automatic handguns. Of the two bills in the Legislature, one has already passed the Assembly.
Louisiana: Proposal to recognize Right-to-Carry in church headed to governor’s desk
Concealed weapons will be allowed inside some of Louisiana's churches. The House gave final passage to the proposal with a 64-26 vote Thursday. That sends the bill to Gov. Bobby Jindal, who supports it.
New Navy firearms policy
The Navy announced a policy change regarding personal firearms to consolidate and clarify the requirements for those who own these weapons.
I got an odd call the other day, a person called and said he was having trouble transfering a MG I s...
Setting The Record Straight On The “DISCLOSE Act”
sarpat's Page - Dream Big / Hustle Hard
sarpat's Page on Dream Big / Hustle Hard ... AR-15 Roger 1022 Magazines and Accessories. MWG Company offers AR-15 Roger, 1022 magazines and accessories, Roger 10/22 magazines and mini 14 ...
National Review: Did Kagan Compare the NRA with the KKK?
It has become clear that Elena Kagan, Obama’s most recent Supreme Court nominee, is no friend of gun rights, to say the least. While clerking for Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall in 1987, she wrote the judge that she was “not sympathetic” to a Second Amendment–based challenge to the D.C. gun ban. While serving in the Clinton administration, she wrote a memo that “paved the way for an executive order banning dozens of semiautomatic weapons,” according to the L.A. Times. And NATIONAL REVIEW has learned that in 1996, Kagan apparently tied the NRA to the KKK — yes, the KKK — while debating the Clinton administration’s position on a bill.
Tennessee: Williamson County to ban guns in parks
Gun owners will not be allowed to carry their weapons in Williamson County parks. In a 19 to 5 vote Monday night, the Williamson County Commission voted to opt out of complying with the state law that allows permitted gun owners to carry their weapons in some parks.
Finland rejects ban on semi-automatic weapons
Finland will not impose a full ban on semi automatic weapons, the interior minister said Monday, rejecting an inquiry commission proposal.