Wednesday, July 28, 2010
-The US Supreme Court, in the case U.S. v. Freed, 401 U.S. 601 (1971), decided the amended NFA made existing unregistered weapons unregisterable, even voluntarily. The provisions mandating registration of existing (illegally possessed) weapons were removed from the NFA in 1968, among other changes. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to conduct additional amnesties (Sec. 207(e) of P.L. 90-618, the 1968 Gun Control Act), at his discretion, provided each is not longer than 90 days, and are announced in the Federal Register. There has never been one. ATF officials have stated there will never be another Amnesty, because it would supposedly ruin all prosecutions in progress at the time, as well as increase the number of NFA guns overnight, because people will make guns that don't exist now, to register them.