Monday, July 26, 2010
* NFA Branch (202) 927-8330 - This is the office that handles all transfers of NFA weapons, and maintains the Registry.
* NFA Branch FAX (202) 927-8601 - Rifle Scopes s-Magpul-Mbus-Ba">You can fax Form 2's and 3's in, Form 5 transfers for repair, 5320.20's and probably others as well. Check with NFA Branch to be sure your faxed form will be acceptable. Also see ATF Ruling 89-1.
* Technology Branch (202) 927-7910 - This is the office that makes all determinations as to whether something falls into one of the NFA categories, as well as determinations as to importability, and many other technical issues to things regulated by ATF (at least as to firearms).
* Import Branch (202) 927-8320 - This office handles permits to import firearms, parts and other related items regulated by federal law.
AR 15 Accessories, Ruger 10/22 Scopes and Stocks - Just another ...
A violation of 18 USC sec. 922(o) of the GCA can also bring up to a ten year prison sentence, and or a $250,000 fine. Again, prison time is likely, even on a first offense.
Ruger 10 22 accessories & Stocks
NH Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NJ Y N Y N Y N N (mg requires discretionary and rarely issued permit from state court) NM Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
infrared flashlights from Streamlight and Surefire
Just another WordPress weblog ... To move weapons between states two rules apply. An individual must get permission from ATF to move machine guns, short rifles, short shotguns or ...
Ruger 10 22 accessories & Stocks
Type Fee Description —- —— ——————————————– 01 $ 200 – Dealer, Including Pawnbroker, in Firearms Other than
Remington Sights - AR-15 Accessories, Ruger 10/22 Accessories! AK-47 ...
Remington Tritium Night Sight Code: AGS-REM-301 Price: $70.00
picatinny/mil Spec Scope Mounts
Just another WordPress weblog ... To get Calif laws, pending bills and other stuff ftp to or ftp to, and l ook in /pub/code /pub/code/pen has the ...
infrared flashlights from Streamlight and Surefire
Just another WordPress weblog ... # John Q. Public bought himself an AR-15 Accessories receiver in 1988 and put it in his safe.
infrared flashlights from Streamlight and Surefire
Just another WordPress weblog ... Likewise an M-1 carbine receiver and an M-2 carbine receiver are identical, and all the parts to convert a gun from an M-1 to an M-2 are available on ...