Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Or you can make any NFA weapon, except for machine guns (see below), by filing a Form 1, "Application to Make and Register a Firearm", and paying the $200 making tax, which applies to all of these weapons, including AOW's. You may not make the proposed weapon until the Form 1 is returned to you approved. The law enforcement certification, photos and fingerprints also apply to Form 1's, and in fact to any transfer to an individual. Additionally the manufacturer of any NFA weapon, including an individual making one on a Form 1 must mark the receiver of the weapon with the maker's name and city and state. NFA Branch can grant exemptions from this for DD's. All types of corporations, including corporate type 01 FFL holders, need not do the certification, photo and fingerprint requirements. Any of the forms listed, and the fingerprint cards, are available for free from ATF, either in Washington, D.C. or your local office.
-A.R.M.S. #17DR Dovetail / Single Lever Platform Mount
Throw Lever Dove Tail Mount - This mount is perfect for converting accessories over to the Throw Lever System, such accessories include the Insight Technology, Inc.� M3 tactical ar15 accessories Illuminator or M6 tactical ar15 accessories Laser Illuminator. Repeat Zero Hold with easy on and off.
A.R.M.S. #17 PEQ2-3 Throw Lever Mt
Allows for mounting the PEQ2-3 laser to A.R.M.S. �/SWAN�(aka Mil-Std. 1913) rails.
Features a PEQ-2 attachment on a single Throw Lever Mount.
2 5/16 Long