Friday, September 10, 2010
Additional info sources
One of my main sources of information is a magazine called Machine Gun News. It is quite good for sorting out the intricacies of the law, as well as info on guns, suppressors and other NFA stuff. Well worth a subscription, I think. Costs $34.95 for a 1 year subscription (12 issues) from, P.O. Box 459, Lake Hamilton AR 71951. Or call (501) 525-7514. They can take your MasterCard or Visa over the phone. They also put out a book called the "Machine Gun Dealer's Bible", by Dan Shea, for $64.95 plus $4 shipping.
SKS Manual | The Firearm Blog
I have been getting many visitors coming to this blog looking for SKS manuals. I thought this was strange as I only had one small post linking to an SKS
Taurus / Rossi Circuit Judge | The Firearm Blog
The November issue of ( published a letter from a reader who suggested Taurus make a carbine version of their Judge
Hearing Protection for Microfiber Towels
Short shotguns and short rifles are defined at (c)(1) and (c)(2) respectively; the definitions are essentially the same as federal law. HOWEVER, unlike the feds, California courts ...
Aimpoint Scopes
7342. Penalty for refusal to permit entry or examination. Any owner of any building or place, or person having the agency or superintendence of the same, who refuses to admit any ...
iPod Touch mounted on M110 Sniper Rifle | The Firearm Blog
We have seen some cool iPhone applications come out for shooting sports. But nothing comes close to the sheer awesomeness of the Knights Armaments M110 iPod
Bushmaster ACR launched! | The Firearm Blog
The LONG anticipated Bushmaster ACR has been officially launched. I warn you in advance that it is priced FAR higher than what was rumored! As you can