Saturday, December 24, 2011
If you are looking for a good magnification system at a good price, try the LaRue Tactical 2.5X PoBoy Special. Combined the Eotech 512 and the PoBoy takes up a good deal of rail space being the only major drawback experienced to date. It has taken some effort to zero the unit but once "on" it is really "dead on." youngsta 11/13/2008 11:30:40 PM EST my buddy just bought a Eotech 512 from the px a couple weeks back. we took his new rig out to the range once and now he wants a magnified scope instead. he's offering to sell it to me for $200 and it's a mint piece. I don't really need an EOTech now, but know it will come in handy down the road. should i go ahead and buy it just b/c he's selling it so cheap? dlstarcher 11/14/2008 12:09:00 AM EST I would, I havent found one under $350 GTwannabe 11/14/2008 1:20:46 AM ESTBy youngsta: my buddy just bought a Eotech 512 from the px a couple weeks back. we took his new rig out to the range once and now he wants a magnified scope instead. he's offering to sell it to me for $200 and it's a mint piece.