Sunday, November 04, 2012
Aimpoint Comp ML2
Aimpoint Comp ML2
3/1/2003 6:19:54 PM Does yourAimpoint Comp ML2 have the CET diode? If not, try one. I have had the “teardrop” distortion with every red dot sight I’ve ever tried (I also am nearsighted with an astigmatism) until I looked through an Aimpoint Comp M2 CET. Perfectly clear and round. Must be something about a diode [...]
3/1/2003 6:19:54 PM Does yourAimpoint Comp ML2 have the CET diode? If not, try one. I have had the “teardrop” distortion with every red dot sight I’ve ever tried (I also am nearsighted with an astigmatism) until I looked through an Aimpoint Comp M2 CET. Perfectly clear and round. Must be something about a diode [...]
3/1/2003 6:19:54 PM Does yourAimpoint Comp ML2 have the CET diode? If not, try one. I have had the “teardrop” distortion with every red dot sight I’ve ever tried (I also am nearsighted with an astigmatism) until I looked through an Aimpoint Comp M2 CET. Perfectly clear and round. Must be something about a diode vs. a bulb that does it. Good luck….Paul TREETOP [Dealer] 3/1/2003 6:26:32 PM I wear contacts, and have astigmatism in both eyes. I found the trailing to be WAY less pronounced in the EO Tech. The Aimpoint dot looks like a comet to me, the EO Tech dot looks like a dot. [?] I haven’t tried the Aimpoint with the CET firsthand, so I can’t really comment on that. SMGLee