Wednesday, August 25, 2010


While the statute calls these devices "silencers" or "mufflers", the US NFA industry term is "sound suppressor", as the word silencer has been given a negative connotation, and because it is inaccurate, as these devices do not eliminate all sound from firing a gun. However you can point the folks who get all high and mighty about the use of the word "silencer" to this definition; it is the legal term.


Ruger 1022 Accessories & Stocks & Scopes - Just another WordPress site
A short barrele d rifle (SBR) is defined in the law as: – Coupon Codes: Deals, Discounts and … Get best coupons, free coupon codes and ...

Monday, August 23, 2010


Special (Occupational) Taxpayers (SOT) under the NFA are exempt from some of the making or transfer taxes. All SOT holders may transfer weapons between themselves tax free. However a transfer between an individual and a SOT will require the tax. And unless one has a class 2 SOT, there is a tax on making an NFA weapon, except for making by or on behalf of a government entity. Sole proprietor SOT's need not get the law enforcement certification for any transfer, except DD's (unless they have the appropriate FFL), even for their own personal collection, although in that case they should pay the $200 transfer tax. They also need not attach a photo to the transfer paperwork, nor submit fingerprints. The Crime Bill (9/14/94) now requires these things with FFL applications, and SOT applications, however, and ATF was requiring them even before that became law, since early 1994. If one plans to engage in business in NFA weapons, one needs to be a SOT, just as one needs the FFL if they plan to engage in the business with regular firearms or ammunition.


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camouflage ghillie suits. Californians can legally possess any AOW, except a pen gun, as long as it is possessed in compliance with federal law. Likewise they can possess any C&R ...

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Just another WordPress weblog ... EOT 512.A65 - EOTech Model 512.A65/1 - - - Detail (AR-15 FOREARMS) Browning

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Repairing NFA weapons

As it is illegal for anyone to have possession of an NFA firearm that is not registered to them, getting the guns repaired, or worked on, can be a hassle. There are two choices: if the gunsmith is in the same state as the registered owner the owner can take the gun in, and wait while it is worked on. If the owner cannot wait, the gun must be transferred to the gunsmith, on a Form 5, and returned to the owner by filing a Form 5 to transfer possession back to the owner. If one wishes to have an out-of-state gunsmith work on the gun, even if the owner can wait with the gun, the owner must either transfer it to the gunsmith, or file the form 5320.20 to move it interstate to the gunsmith. One need not be an SOT to have NFA weapons transferred to him for repair. One does need to have a type 01 FFL to work as a gunsmith though. NY, in a fit of benevolence, allows licensed gunsmiths there to receive machine guns for repair, when machine gun possession there is otherwise limited to the police, and manufacturers with government contracts. When submitting a Form 5 for repair one checks the "Other" box in item 1, type of transfer, writes in "repair" next to the box, and submits a letter detailing (generally, e.g. "The purpose of this transfer is to have the [weapon] refinished.") what is to be done. The back of the form, with the certifications and photograph need not be completed. The turnaround time on Form 5's for this purpose seems to be at least a month, or a minimum wait of two months, to transfer it to the 'smith and back. There is no transfer tax.

Magpul ASAP Ambidextrous Sling Attachment Point

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Or you can make any NFA weapon, except for machine guns (see below), by filing a Form 1, "Application to Make and Register a Firearm", and paying the $200 making tax, which applies to all of these weapons, including AOW's. You may not make the proposed weapon until the Form 1 is returned to you approved. The law enforcement certification, photos and fingerprints also apply to Form 1's, and in fact to any transfer to an individual. Additionally the manufacturer of any NFA weapon, including an individual making one on a Form 1 must mark the receiver of the weapon with the maker's name and city and state. NFA Branch can grant exemptions from this for DD's. All types of corporations, including corporate type 01 FFL holders, need not do the certification, photo and fingerprint requirements. Any of the forms listed, and the fingerprint cards, are available for free from ATF, either in Washington, D.C. or your local office.


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Monday, August 16, 2010


As the sears do turn the host gun into a machine gun, the host gun is no longer regulated as a semi-auto, and is not subject to 18 USC sec. 922(v), (assault weapon law) or sec. 922(r) (ban on domestic assembly from imported parts of an unsporting semi-auto rifle or shotgun), for example. Thus you may put an HK sear in a post 1989 import ban SAR-8 rifle, for instance, and then put a regular pistol grip stock set on that otherwise thumbhole gun, as well as a regular slotted flash hider. The host gun need not even have been on the planet when the sear was made. This is how F.J. Vollmer keeps on cranking out MP-5's even though the new making of MG's for civilians was ended in 1986. As long as the sear is in there you may also have the barrel cut down to below 16 inches; a machine gun is not also a short barreled rifle. HOWEVER, if the sear is placed into a second gun, the first gun is no longer a machine gun, and must comply with the laws regulating it as a semi-auto. In my example, the barrel must grow back, and the thumbhole stock needs to return. If the sear in question is a AR-15 Accessories drop-in auto sear, the gun needs to have the M-16 internal parts needed for the sear removed as well, lest it be induced to fire more than one shot at a time, as was done in the U.S. v. Staples case.


AR-15 Sights ::
As to one who is neither a FFL nor SOT, but only owns weapons regulated under the National Firearms Act, the law seems clear, but practice is a little murky.

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Special treatment of certain weapons

Destructive devices are treated differently, in terms of manufacturing or dealing. One must have a special FFL, (type 9, 10 or 11, to deal, make or import respectively) and be a SOT to make one tax free or deal in them. But anyone can make them on a Form 1, tax paid.


Ar-15 & AK-47 Gun Accessories
Just another WordPress site ... The NFA law also defines “rifle”: – “Weigand Magnum 1″” Scope Rings, (2 Ring Set)”

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Note that this definition is only in the rules for the NFA, and not the GCA. It is designed to interact with the AOW definition. For example even though this definition excludes such things as the .410 T/C Contender pistol from the pistol definition, it is also not an AOW as it has a rifled bore. And it is also a handgun under the GCA. The NFA statute does not define "pistol" or "revolver". I think that excluding handguns designed to be fired when held in two hands is not necessarily justifiable. But it allowed them to declare that an HK SP-89 pistol with a K grip is an AOW. As is an M-11/9 or TEC-9 with a foregrip. The Auto Ordnance 1927-A3 pistol is apparently exempted, for historical authenticity.


About « Rifle Scope & Ak-47 Stocks
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from.

Friday, August 13, 2010


ATF has created interim rules to implement PL 103-322, and they are a little more specific, and a little more onerous:


NRA's 25th Annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge crowns new champions - Daily Review & Sunday Review
The rolling hills of northern Pennsylvania served as the backdrop for the NRA's 25th Annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) at the Mill Cove Environmental Area outside Mansfield, Pennsylvania. From ...

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Rifle Scopes. The Panther Rifle scope has fully multicoated camera quality glass lenses for superior image quality in any lighting condition. Double protected from extreme ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010



NcSTAR Mini 14 Mount

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Step 3: get back to ATF, Send them copies of the rejection letters, and ask that they accept a letter of police clearance, or a police letter saying you have no criminal record/history with them, in lieu of the certification, together with your certification that you are OK, and that the weapon would be legal for you to have where you live. They will either respond OK, or with more persons to try. If you reach the point where they will not accept the police clearance letter, and not designate someone who has not turned you down, you can sue, if the certification is for a Form 1, or the transferor (seller) on a Form 4 can sue.


Solicitor: Roethlisberger officer probe inactive - San Luis Obispo Tribune
An internal investigation of a Pennsylvania police officer who was with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger when the player was accused of sexual assault in Georgia is inactive, and that won't ...

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Here is my attempt to list what state allows what in terms of NFA weapons. The "Y" indicates state law allows private individuals to own the weapon in question. Most of the "Y" states require the weapons be possessed in compliance with federal law to be legal under state law. Some of the "N" states may allow only police officers to possess them, or dealers, or neither. Basically if the privileged class was so narrow, by statute, I said "N". In many states the class of folks able to own NFA weapons is narrow by practice (California), or because no law enforcement officers will sign the certification needed for a transfer to an individual. Some of the "N" states may also have grandfathered weapons, the "N" applies to a current transaction. Some "N" states may also allow unserviceable weapons. Some states may regulate one or more of these weapons as handguns.


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Tax exemptions Law enforcement, states, and local governments are totally exempt from the making and transfer (either to or from) taxes, but must comply with the registration ...


As to surrendering your 4th amendment (search and seizure) rights, this is definitely true when one gets a Federal Firearms License. The law allows the ATF to inspect your records and inventory once every 12 months without any cause, and at any point during the course of a bona fide criminal investigation (18 USC sec. 923(g)). They may inspect without warning during business hours. The only modification of the above pertains to the C&R FFL (type 03) where ATF must schedule the inspection, (C&R FFL holders do not have business hours) and they must have the inspection at their office nearest the C&R FFL holders premises, if the holder so requests. ATF may look around the licensed premises for other weapons not on your records. This means they take the position that if your licensed premises are your home they may search it, as part of the annual compliance inspection. The constitutionality of the warrantless "administrative search" of licensees provided for in the Gun Control Act has been upheld by the US Supreme Court, see U.S. v. Biswell, 406 U.S. 311 (1972). Biswell was partially overturned by Congress by 1986 changes to the requirements for a warrant under the GCA, but the administrative search provisions remain.


AR15 Accessories & Scopes - Rifle Stocks for the Tactical
In short, these are serious penalties. NFA regs are a pain, and in my opinion, contrary to the Constitution. Ignore them, and get caught, and you will pay a very high price.

Night Vision & AR-15 Scope Mounts | Just another WordPress weblog
Just another WordPress weblog ... The below process is what the law and ATF regulations contemplate as the way to get a signoff, if you need one.

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GETTING THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION – Tactical LED Flashlights | Blog Archive | Tur hunting. The Dagastan or Eastern Tur hunting is found in the Caucus Mountains of Southern ...

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DEWATs – Tactical LED Flashlights | Blog Archive | Tur hunting. The Dagastan or Eastern Tur hunting is found in the Caucus Mountains of Southern Russia and Azerbaijan.

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Pretending you live in a jurisdiction where the CLEO will sign, when you do not, may be tempting, but cannot be recommended. ATF has prosecuted for this, claiming that putting a ...

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BDU Ghillie suits Jacket. Same High Quality Jute Thread is sewn directly on to a Military BDU 4 pocket coat. Size Chart. Our Same High Quality Jute Thread is sewn directly on to a ...

Night Vision & AR-15 Scope Mounts | Just another WordPress weblog
Just another WordPress weblog ... A violation of 18 USC sec. 922(o) of the GCA can also bring up to a ten year prison sentence, and or a $250,000 fine.

Accessories and Stocks for AR 15
There are several solutions to the law enforcement certification problem. They all require persistence, but less work than being a legitimate NFA dealer, in my opinion.


27 CFR sec. 179.11 - "pistol. A weapon originally designed, made and intended to fire a projectile (bullet) from one or more barrels when held in one hand, and having: a) a chamber(s) as an integral part(s) of, or permanently aligned with, the bore(s); and b) a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand at an angle to and extending below the line of the bore(s). The term shall not include any gadget device, any gun altered or converted to resemble a pistol, any gun that fires more than one shot without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger, or any small portable gun such as: Nazi belt buckle pistol, glove pistol, or a one-hand stock gun designed to fire fixed shotgun ammunition."


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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The ability to move the sear or other parts between like guns is a nice feature of the sear; you can have all your HK guns be full autos, one at a time, and only have one registered item, and one transfer tax to pay, for example. However each sear or conversion kit may require a bit of fine tuning to the host gun to make it work, this swapping feature may be overrated, depending on the design of the sear and of the host gun.


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No more pushing in single rounds, each more and more difficult... just remove this tear-drop Mag's back, wind crank, place ammo, replace back and you're ready for a blast, times 50!

Monday, August 09, 2010


7342. Penalty for refusal to permit entry or examination. Any owner of any building or place, or person having the agency or superintendence of the same, who refuses to admit any officer or employee of the Treasury Department acting under the authority of section 7606 (relating to entry of premises for examination of taxable articles) or refuses to permit him to examine such article or articles, shall, for every such refusal, forfeit $500.


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Equipment Exchange


FAQ On National Firearms Act Weapons

By James O. Bardwell


Weaver Scope: 849430 Classic Rimfire Series 4 x 28 Rifle Scope

Small Caliber, High Performance

Weaver takes rimfire riflescopes as seriously as its big game brethren. Every Classic� Rimfire scope incorporates many of the exact same features found on Weaver's top-of-the-line models. Designed to bring out the best in rimfire and adult air rifles, the Classic� Rimfire comes in variable and fixed power models ��� with fully multi-coated, non-glare optics that produce edge-sharp, low-light brightness, even in the duskiest of conditions. All scopes feature rugged, aircraft-grade one-piece aluminum construction. Waterproof, fogproof and shockproof, the Classic� Rimfire is designed to withstand the multidirectional recoil from the heaviest spring-loaded adult airguns. Parallax is set at 50 yards for ideal rimfire target acquisition and accuracy.

Features & Benefits




Power, Objective

4 x 28

Special Features







Exit Pupil (MM)


Field of View

ft @ 100 yds/m @ 100m


Eye Relief






Click Value

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M

1/4 / 7

Adjustment Range

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M





Tube Size

1 inch


To move weapons between states two rules apply. An individual must get permission from ATF to move machine guns, short rifles, short shotguns or destructive devices between states (or to temporarily export them) before doing so. This includes taking them somewhere to shoot them, or when moving. There is a form called a 5320.20, and ATF will always approve them, and fairly quickly, assuming the purpose (generally stated) for the movement is legitimate, and the target state allows the weapon in question. A type 01 FFL can move weapons (except DD's) interstate at will, no permission is needed. But while most states that otherwise prohibit some or all NFA weapons have exceptions for SOT's, or FFL's, a few do not, and thus the person must make sure he will not be breaking any laws. An unlicensed individual need not ask permission to move AOW's or suppressor's interstate, again watch the laws at the target state. Having the approved 5320.20 form for a suppressor or AOW can avoid hassle while traveling. Lots of folks who think they know something about the NFA don't know you only need permission for interstate movement of some NFA weapons. ATF will approve a 5320.20 for suppressors and AOW's; they will approve a 5320.20 for an FFL also, even if he doesn't need it by law. ATF will also now approve a form 5320.20 for a period of one year, covering blanket travel to a specific location, if you travel there frequently. A C&R FFL holder can only move C&R NFA guns interstate without a 5320.20. See 18 USC sec. 922(a)(4) for the law imposing the 5320.20 requirement.


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There is no tax on a transfer to a lawful heir from the owner’s estate. Lawful heir just me ans someone named in a will to get the weapons, or a person entitled to inherit under ...

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There are two cases on this issue. The first is Steele v. NFA Branch, 755 F.2d 1410 (11th Cir. 1985), where the 11th circuit federal appeals court said a person trying to transfer ...

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Sunday, August 08, 2010


In short, these are serious penalties. NFA regs are a pain, and in my opinion, contrary to the Constitution. Ignore them, and get caught, and you will pay a very high price.


Repairing NFA weapons As it is illegal for anyone to have possession of an NFA firearm that is not registered to them, getting the guns repaired, or worked on, can be a hassle.

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Some examples of what is a DD and what is not:


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Harris Bipod . Versatile, sturdy, light and fast. Made from high strength anodized aluminum alloy. Stressed parts are tempered spring steel. Harris Bipods clamp to most Q.D. stud ...

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Harris Bipod. Harris Bipod Model 1A2-25 12″- to 25″ Solid Mount Black Versatile, sturdy, light and fast. Made from high strength anodized aluminum alloy.


In every case, the part(s) are installed into a semi-automatic gun, and without any alteration to the semi-auto gun's receiver, the new part(s) will allow the gun to fire as a machine gun. As a general rule a sear conversion is less desirable than an original gun, or a registered receiver conversion. This is because if the registered part breaks or wears out it cannot be replaced, only repaired, if possible. BATF considers replacing it with a new part to be the new manufacture of a machine gun, and a civilian could not own it, as it would have been made after the 1986 ban. This wear/breakage thing is also true of the receiver on a gun where that is the registered part, but in general the receiver is less subject to wear or breakage than a small part, like a sear. Being larger, a receiver may also be easier to repair. The sear conversion will most likely not be just like the factory machine gun version; it will be working in the semi-auto version of the gun. A registered receiver conversion can (and should, but isn't always) be mechanically identical to the original full auto version of the gun, and factory spare parts may be used. Some sear conversions require altered parts, in addition to the registered sear.


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MIL-SPEC MONKEY ... Sunday, 08 July 2007 04:11 This area will be for displaying long barrel firearms considered rifles or carbines.

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UCP SUCKS (Universal Camo Pattern) RANT
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As can be seen this covers improvised sound suppressors, and component parts of a sound suppressor. There is no thresh hold level of sound reduction for something to fall under this definition. ATF used to require the device "appreciably" lower the sound (see Revenue Ruling 57-38); now the working definition seems to be anything that traps gas from the muzzle of the gun, or from porting of the barrel, is a sound suppressor. In general recoil compensators and flash hiders do not fall under this definition, but some designs could fall into the category. As with any borderline device the thing to do is to get a written opinion from the Technology Branch of ATF. It is what they exist to do.


magpul ubr

The Magpul UBR (Utility / Battle Rifle), U.S. Patent 6651371, is a fully-featured, adjustable butt stock for the AR15/M16. Unlike typical collapsing stocks, this modular design offers the stability of a fixed stock with consistent cheek weld in any position. Seven-position length-of-pull (LOP) adjustment is quickly executed with gross motor movement while the integral preset system allows direct access to a preferred position. A robust lock mechanism and multi-shell construction increase durability under severe impact conditions experienced during malfunction clearing and accommodates large-bore AR calibers with ease. The UBR also provides extra counterbalance weight to improve handling on full-length rifles and weapons with muzzle-heavy accessories or bull-barrels. Optional components such as dual-side sling mounts and metal strike plate allow the UBR to adapt to the mission at hand.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


* Muzzle loading cannon - NOT, as it is an antique design, unless it has some special features allowing breech loading.

* Explosive grenade - is a DD

* Molotov cocktail - is a DD

* M-79 or M-203 40mm grenade launcher - is a DD

* Smooth bore 37mm projectile launcher - not a DD. Not even a title 1 firearm. This item falls under the "not a weapon" (signaling device) exception, I believe. Generally a large bore device for which no anti-personnel ammo has ever been made will NOT be a DD. This used to be true of the 37mm guns. However, according to ATF, some folks have started making anti-personnel rounds for these guns, and ATF has ruled that possession of a 37mm launcher and a bean bag or rubber shot or similar round is possession of a DD, and at that point the launcher needs to be registered. Put another way, before you make or buy anti-personnel rounds for your 37mm launcher, register it as a DD. The rounds themselves, not being explosive, incendiary or poison gas, are not regulated in themselves either. It is just the two together. See ATF Ruling 95-3.

* 40mm grenade for an M-79 or M-203 - a DD.

* Non-explosive 40mm practice ammo - not a DD. Commercial making of it would require a type 10 FFL though, as although the ammo is not itself classified as a DD, making ammo for a DD requires the FFL.

* Non-sporting 12 gauge shotgun - is a DD, because it has a bore over 1/2", and is not exempted unless it meets the "sporting use" test. Check out the case Gilbert Equipment Co., Inc., v. Higgins, 709 F. Supp. 1071 (D. Ala. 1989) for how the sporting use test has been re-interpreted from what it meant when the law was enacted to having ATF be arbiters of what is "sport".

* Flame Thrower - not a DD, nor even a firearm. Unregulated as to possession, under federal law. Great way to clear snow off the driveway.

* Japanese Knee Mortar - A DD. Even though there is no available ammo for it, explosive or otherwise, and hasn't been since 1945, because anti-personnel ammo was made for it in the past, it is a weapon. As it has a bore over 1/2" and isn't sporting, it is a DD.


AK-47 Stocks & Magazines — Glock Sights, Glock Grip, Glock Holsters, Glock Recoil Buffers, Glock Armorer Tool Kit, Glock Grip, Extensions, Glock Grip Plug, Glock Magazine Release …

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Prince George's County police charge 2 in slayings of 2 women, 2 children in filthy ... - WTKR
RIVERDALE, Md. (AP) — Police say they have charged two people with murder in the slayings of two women and two children found in a trash-filled apartment in the Washington area. Police in Prince George's County, Md ...

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If a gun has rifled barrel(s) of less than 16", and it has never had a shoulder stock it would be a pistol, unless it either has no grip at an angle to the bore, or if it has more than one grip. ATF has made the questionable decision that a handgun with more than one grip is an AOW. This is based on the gun a) being concealable on the person, and b) not meeting the definition of a "pistol" in the regulations promulgated under the NFA, since they say a pistol has a single grip at an angle to the bore. However, at least one federal court has decided that if the grip is added later, the gun is not "originally designed" to be fired by holding in more than one grip, and thus putting a second grip on a pistol does not make it an AOW. Whether ATF will regard the decision as binding beyond that case is unknown, I would doubt it. The case is U.S. v. Davis, Crim No. 8:93-106 (S.C. 1993) (Report of Magistrate, June 21, 1993). By the same token in mid 1996, ATF decided that "wallet" holsters for small guns, from which the gun could be fired, somehow are AOW's. This would affect, for example, the North American Arms mini-revolver and the wallet holster NAA sold for the gun, as an accessory. ATF seems to be thinking that the grip has disappeared, and thus it fits into the first category. This strikes me as bizarre and stupid, and I suspect the courts will have their shot at it, given how common the wallet holsters are. What if you put the gun in a purse, from which it can be fired? A folded up newspaper? How are those different than a wallet holster?


Secretary Gates' visit to Oshkosh Corporation by Sean Pillai
Secretary Gates' visit to Oshkosh Corporation by Sean Pillai - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates toured the Oshkosh Corporation on November 12, 2009, in a historic visit to the ...

Lt. Col Robert Pridgen on the CH-53K | IDGA
Lt. Col Robert Pridgen on the CH-53K | IDGA - The CH-53E in U.S. Marine Corps service is planned to be replaced by the CH-53K. The CH-53E is becoming expensive to sustain and has ...

Friday, August 06, 2010


NFA weapons are: machine guns, sound suppressors (a.k.a. silencers), short barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, destructive devices and "any other weapons". A machine gun is any gun that can fire more than one shot with a single pull of the trigger, or a receiver of a machine gun, or a combination of parts for assembling a machine gun, or a part or set of parts for converting a gun into a machine gun. A silencer is any device for muffling the gunshot of a portable firearm, or any part exclusively designed or intended for such a device (see discussion below). A short barreled shotgun is any shotgun (shoulder fired, smooth bore) with a barrel of less than 18" or an overall length of less than 26", or any weapon made from a shotgun falling into the same length parameters. A short barreled rifle is a rifle (shoulder fired, rifled bore) with a barrel length of less than 16", or an overall length of less than 26", or any weapon made from a rifle falling into the same length parameters (like a pistol made from a rifle). In measuring barrel length you do it from the closed breech to the muzzle, see 27 CFR sec. 179.11. To measure overall length do so along, "the distance between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of the bore." 27 CFR sec. 179.11. On a folding stock weapon you measure with the stock extended, provided the stock is not readily detachable, and the weapon is meant to be fired from the shoulder. A destructive device (DD) is a explosive, incendiary or poison gas weapon, or any firearm with a bore over 1/2", with exceptions for sporting shotguns, among other things (see discussion below). Any other weapons (AOW's) are a number of things; smooth bore pistols, any pistol with more than one grip,(but see below) gadget type guns (cane gun, pen gun) and shoulder fired weapons with both rifled and smooth bore barrels between 12" and 18", that must be manually reloaded (see discussion below). These definitions are simplified, to see if a specific gun is a title 1 or 2 firearm one needs to refer to the specific definition under the statute(s), and possibly consult with the Technology Branch of ATF. There is also case law on the issue of whether a specific item falls into one of these categories.


There is no tax on transfers to anyone of a weapon that is unserviceable. Making a weapon unserviceable means it is permanently altered so that it cannot work, and is not readily restorable. For example a gun can be made unserviceable by welding the chamber closed, and welding the barrel to the receiver or frame. An unserviceable weapon is sometimes called a DEWAT, for DE-activated WAr Trophy (see below).


The case is something to which you can point a CLEO who claims to refuse to do the signoff because of liability. Incidentally Stephen Halbrook, a leading lawyer in gun rights cases, and a longtime lawyer for the NRA, as well as an author, says in a note in Machine Gun News (3/95) this case is the only instance of a registered machine gun being criminally misused by its registered owner he is aware of. And it was by a police officer.


Trijicon TR22 AccuPoint - 2.5-10x56 Variable Power, Dual Illuminated Riflescope (Amber)

The largest and most powerful Trijicon riflescope on the market, the TR22 AccuPoint has extreme light gathering capabilities with a huge 56mm objective lens, 30mm tube and the highest quality glass available. The scope is illuminated though the use of FIBER OPTICs and tritium, providing a vivid aiming point without the need for failure-prone batteries. If your hunting calls for long distance shots, this AccuPoint is for you.

The TR22 also includes:

Thursday, August 05, 2010


26 USC sec. 5845(c) "The term 'rifle' means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned or made or remade to use the energy of an explosive in a fixed cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each pull of the trigger, and shall include any such weapon which may be readily restored to fire a fixed cartridge.


Sper Scientific IR Thermometer / LED Light Pen

Digital Infrared IR Thermometer Pen - Celsius and Farenheit One end of this attractive metal pen features a super bright white LED. A standard AAA provides 6 hours of continuous illumination. The other end contains a non-contact Infrared thermometer. Press the button to scan temperature and release to hold. The IR thermometer has a response time of 1 second and is protected by a lens cap when not in use. Two button cell batteries provide 35 hours of continuous temperature measurement. All batteries are included (one AAA and two L1154 Button Cell) and the display will inform you when they need to be changed. Comes in a sturdy foam lined metal case. Dim: 6 X _ (152 x 13 mm). Weight: 2 oz (60g).





-33 ~ 220�C &
-27 ~ 428�F


�2.5% or 2.5�C

whichever is greater



A sole proprietor SOT may keep any NFA weapon he has after surrendering his SOT, as his personal property, except post-86 machine guns, discussed below. If ATF thinks, based on the number of weapons retained and the timing, that your SOT status was used to evade the transfer taxes, they may demand tax on all or some of the guns, although you will be entitled to a credit against that for your annual $500 or $1000 SOT tax. Conceivably you could also be prosecuted for tax evasion.


Ruger firearms accessories » firearms accessories
March 20th, 2007 Cleveland files suit (RUGER MOUNTS) Against Preemption Law

Palin's Facebook Fakeout - NBC Chicago
Here's an online experiment worth trying: Step 1: Post a link to this story in a comments thread on Sarah Palin's Facebook page. Step 2: See how long it takes for your entry to disappear. An analysis by Slate magazine ...

Bristol Palin moves back in with Sarah Palin, calls off Levi Johnston engagement - Los Angeles Times
They sure can freeze you out fast in Alaska -- take it from Bristol Palin , who, in a matter of hours, called off her engagement to baby daddy Levi Johnston and has reportedly moved back in with her parents ...

Free tickets remain for Handel-Palin event Monday - Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Want to see Sarah Palin rally the faithful for Karen Handel on Monday? Act fast. The former governor of Alaska and GOP superstar will appear with Handel on the eve of Tuesday’s GOP runoff for governor at the ...

Sarah Palin says Obama lacks guts on illegal immigration - Deseret News
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Sunday that Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has "the cojones" that President Barack Obama "does not have" to take on illegal immigration. Appearing on "Fox News Sunday ...

Sarah Palin endorses Brian Murphy - - Baltimore Sun
The former Republican vice presidential nominee, popular among GOP voters even as she polarizes the wider electorate, has spent the 2010 election cycle endorsing congressional and gubernatorial candidates ...

Palin backs largely unknown candidate for Md. gov - Associated Press
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is endorsing a largely unknown candidate in the race for the GOP nomination for Maryland governor. The former governor of Alaska threw her ...


Weapons that fit the first category above are commonly called gadget guns; pen guns, stapler guns, cane guns, alarm clock guns, flashlight guns, the list of objects is pretty long. A few have been removed from the scope of the law because their collector status makes them unlikely to be misused; original Nazi belt buckle guns for example. See the C&R list for these.


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Gun Holsters, Pistol Holster & Revolver Holsters. is proud to offer one of the finest selections of gun holsters found anywhere today.

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guns holters. Female; Atlanta, GA; United States; Share Share on Twitter Share on Facebook ... has the right AK-47 part for you as well as a long list of AK-47 accessories. Manny USA - Glock, 1911, AR-15 Gun Accessories ...
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Glock Accessories — Glock Sights, Glock Grip, Glock Holsters, Glock Recoil Buffers, Glock Armorer Tool Kit, Glock Grip, … 4: mannyusa Armed American Radio …

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


[see 18 USC sec. 923(a), also ATF Form 7 and Form 7CR]


Call of Duty Effect | The Firearm Blog
A while back I was surprised to see searches for the Bushmaster ACR rising to the top of the list of search engine terms used to find The Firearm Blog on

S&W M&P15-22: A .22 LR Tactical Rifle | The Firearm Blog
The latest addition to the M&P15 family of AR-15 rifles is the M&P15-22. S&W have designed what they call the ultimate .22LR platform. From the

firearms accessories training » 2007 » March
Colt Combat Commander. Colt Combat Commander w/recently hard chromed slide and small parts 4 Mags (2 Colt marked, 1 Wilson, and I believe a shooting Colt 1903 grip)

The truth behind the recent M4 controversy | The Firearm Blog
Yesterday I ( the M4 reliability controversy


Form Title


1 (5320.1 ) - Application to Make and Register a Firearm

2 (5320.2 ) - Notice of Firearms Manufactured or Imported

3 (5320.3 ) - Application for Tax-Exempt Transfer of Firearm and

Registration to Special (Occupational) Taxpayer

4 (5320.4 ) - Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration

of Firearm

5 (5320.5 ) - Application for Tax Exempt Transfer and

Registration of a Firearm

9 (5320.9 ) - Application and Permit for Exportation of Firearms

10 (5320.10) - Application for Registration of Firearms Acquired

by Certain Governmental Entities

5320.20 - Application to Transport Interstate or to

Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms Act

(NFA) Firearms

5630.6A - Special Tax Stamp [for SOT]

5630.7 - Special Tax Registration and Return: National

Firearms Act (NFA)



Magpul Dynamics is a tactical training company with a curriculum focused on Military, Law Enforcement and Private Sector professional skill sets.

Designed by an expert team of instructors with extensive combat experience in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Central America and South America, Magpul Dynamics delivers skill-building courses for students ranging from novice to expert. Prioritizing efficiency and consistency in mind set, fundamentals and stress conditioning, the courses run the gamut from basic weapons skills to advanced dynamic assault in complex urban environments.

Magpul Dynamics brings the best of what works to every class.


26 U.S.C. sec. 5845(f) "The term destructive device means:

1) any explosive, incendiary or poison gas

A) bomb

B) grenade

C) rocket having propellant charge of more than four ounces

D) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce

E) mine, or

F) similar device

2) any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of a explosive or other propellant, the barrel or barrels of which have a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter, except a shotgun or shotgun shell which the Secretary or his delegate finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes; and 3) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as defined in subparagraphs (1) and (2) and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. The term 'destructive device' shall not include any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; any device although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety or similar device; surplus ordnance sold, loaned or given by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685 or 4686 of title 10 of the United States Code; or any other device which the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate finds is not likely to be used as a weapon, or is an antique or is a rifle which the owner intends to use solely for sporting purposes."


mollemat Holsters and Pisol Grips
A sole proprietor SOT may keep any NFA weapon he has after surrendering his SOT, as his personal property, except post-86 machine guns, discussed below.

Chavez and the "freedom" of edited press - DAILY KOS
I sincerely wish that this diary would put the "Chavez shut down the free press" fake debate to rest. There is a difference between free over-the-air broadcast stations and private media paid for by a ... Manny USA - Glock, 1911, AR-15 Gun Accessories ...
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Wakulla County Outdoor Safety Camp for Youth - WCTV
They're setting their sites, putting their finger on the trigger and firing. These kids may only be middle or high school age, but they're learning the ins and outs of outdoor safety. "They enjoy it so very much simply ...

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Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. to Report Second Quarter 2010 Results and File Quarterly Report on... - Forbes
BusinessWire - Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR) will file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter of 2010 on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, after the close of the stock market. On Thursday ...

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Earnings of 43¢ Per Share and ... - Yahoo Finance
SOUTHPORT, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR - News ), announced today that for the second quarter of 2010, the Company reported net sales of $64.4 million and earnings per share of 43 ...

Self Defense: Ruger's Pocket LCR Crimson Trace Laser - Associated Content
occur. The best solution to this problem is a laser and this is where the Crimson Trace LaserGrips come in. From experience we can attest to two facts: first, that the Ruger LCR is a well-designed pocket self ...

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Earnings of 43¢ Per Share and Declares Dividend ... - MSN Money
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. RGR , announced today that for the second quarter of 2010, the Company reported net sales of $64.4 million and earnings per share of 43¢, compared with sales of $72.4 million and ...

Emily K. Ruger will wed Thomas Beline III - Standard Speaker
Thomas Martin Beline Jr. and Martha Kokinda of Beaver Meadows, announce the engagement of Thomas Martin Beline III and Emily Kristina Ruger. The bride-elect is the daughter of Almeda and Stephen Ruger, Rock ...

Sturm Ruger Earnings Conference Call (Q2 2010) - YAHOO!
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture, and sale of firearms in the United States. The company offers its products under the ‘Ruger’ name and trademark in four product categories, including ...

Ruger(R) SR9c(TM) Named 2010 "Handgun of the Year" - Forbes
BusinessWire - Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. (NYSE:RGR) is proud to announce that a Ruger(R) handgun has been named the Shooting Industry Academy of Excellence "Handgun of the Year" for the third straight year. The ...

What Investors Think About Sturm, Ruger - Motley Fool
Together, we are all trying to build our fortunes by finding well-run companies at bargain-basement prices. But it takes work to scour earnings reports, scrutinize key data, and assess the competition. To help ...


As can be seen this covers improvised sound suppressors, and component parts of a sound suppressor. There is no thresh hold level of sound reduction for something to fall under this definition. ATF used to require the device "appreciably" lower the sound (see Revenue Ruling 57-38); now the working definition seems to be anything that traps gas from the muzzle of the gun, or from porting of the barrel, is a sound suppressor. In general recoil compensators and flash hiders do not fall under this definition, but some designs could fall into the category. As with any borderline device the thing to do is to get a written opinion from the Technology Branch of ATF. It is what they exist to do.

Tapco Intrafuse Vertical Grip Bipod Bipod

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Form Title


6 (5330.3A) - (Part I) Application and Permit for Importation of

Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War

6 (5330.3B) - (Part II) Application and Permit for Importation

of Firearms [military]

6A (5330.3C) - Release and Receipt of Imported Firearms,

Ammunition and Implements of War

SureFire Lamp/Reflector (P60)


A short barreled rifle (SBR) is defined in the law as:


Accessories and Stocks for AR 15
As 26 USC sec. 7342 provides for the penalty for a refusal to permit entry under section 7606 it is worth a look: – Nightforce Scopes Ultralite 30mm Scope Rings

Tactical Air Defense Services to Participate in U.N. Conference - Big Hollywood
CARSON CITY, Nev. , July 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Tactical Air Defense Services, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: TADF), an Aerospace/Defense Services contractor that offers air-combat training, aerial refueling ...

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MWG 90 Rounder AR-15 Magazine $129.99: Safariland AR-15 Field Cleaning Kit $29.99: Tactical Books and DVD Select items on sale! $19.99~$29.99 $12.99~$29.99

Monday, August 02, 2010


Federal government agencies, the military, and National Guard need not comply with the registration or tax requirements, and generally speaking NFA Branch removes weapons from the Registry once they are transferred to the federal government.


Weigand Magnum 30mm Scope Rings (3 Ring Set)

For use with MAGNUM caliber's.
Medium height AluminumWeaverstyle and will fit anyWeaverstyle mount over .850 wide at the points.

Color Finish:
WCM-3RS-30B Black
WCM-3RS-30S Silver



MG - machine gun

SI - sound suppressor (silencer)

SR - short barreled rifle

SG - short shotgun

AOW - any other weapon

LBDD - large bore destructive device

EXPDD - explosive, incendiary or poison gas destructive device


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… permit holders increasing over time.[4] The numbers of permit revocations are typically small.[5][6][2] - Videos - Eh Button chenisechuckchuck added a blog post … Holster 4 Guns

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… permit holders increasing over time.[4] The numbers of permit revocations are typically small.[5][6][2] - Videos - Eh Button chenisechuckchuck added a blog post … Holster 4 Guns

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USA Carry - Entries for March 2010 Holster 4 Guns offers the finest selections of shoulder holsters and [URL=” … chenisechuckchuck Gun accessories for Ruger ... Holster 4 Guns ...

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USA Carry - Entries for March 2010
Holster 4 Guns offers the finest selections of shoulder holsters and [URL=" ... chenisechuckchuck

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Note that the silencer definition applies only to devices for firearms, i.e. powered by an "explosive". An air gun silencer is not covered. But if it can be used on a firearm it would be. Thus an airgun silencer permanently attached to the airgun, or too flimsy to be used on a firearm, should be exempt. If you have an interest in pursuing this line of thought submit a sample or drawings to ATF Tech. Branch. I am not aware of any airgun silencer currently made, or determined to be exempt from this definition. But clearly there is room under the definition for such a gadget. Likewise, since antique guns, as defined in the GCA are not "firearms", a silencer for such a gun is not, or should not be, covered. Perhaps one fitted permanently to a pre-1899 gun? The mind reels.


Weaver Scope: 849418 Classic K-Series 6 x 38 Rifle Scope

Set To Be Simple, Accurate And Durable

Nothing beats long-term durability and ease of use like a Classic K-Series� scope. Crafted from a one-piece aircraft-grade aluminum tube that holds its lenses in perfect permanent alignment, the Classic K-Series� fixed power scopes are solidly built to take heavy recoil punishment and hold zero to 10,000 rounds from a.375 H&H magnum rifle. And because Classic K-Series� fixed scopes present a consistent field of view that's perfect for open field hunting, they are among the easiest scopes any instinctive shooter will ever use regardless of the range. Classic K-Series�� fully multi-coated Japanese optics dramatically increase image brightness and contrast while helping eliminate glare. And as you expect with allWeaverproducts, Classic K-Series� riflescopes are fully waterproof, shockproof and fogproof.

Features & Benefits




Power, Objective

6 x 38

Special Features







Exit Pupil (MM)


Field of View

ft @ 100 yds/m @ 100m


Eye Relief






Click Value

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M

1/4 / 7

Adjustment Range

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M





Tube Size

1 inch


ATF takes the position that this includes any combination of parts from which a short barreled rifle can be assembled. And they said this included a set of parts with dual uses. In the Supreme court case of Thompson/ Center Arms v. US, - U.S. - (1994) ATF said it was a set consisting of a receiver, a 16"+ barrel, a pistol grip stock, a shoulder stock, and a barrel less than 16 inches long. The idea of the kit was that you needed only one receiver, and you could have both a rifle and pistol in one gun. While making a pistol out of a rifle is making a short rifle, ATF has long approved of converting a pistol into a rifle, and then converting it back into a pistol, that was not an issue. T/C made one set on a Form 1, then sued for a tax refund, claiming the set was not a SBR, unless it actually was assembled with the shoulder stock, and short barrel, something they instructed the purchaser of the set not to do. The Supreme court disagreed with ATF, and agreed with Thompson/Center.






Objective Size�


Bullet Drop Compensator�


Length (in)�


Weight (oz)�


Illumination source�

FIBER OPTICs & Tritium�

Reticle Pattern�


Day Reticle Color�


Night Reticle Color�




Bindon Aiming Concept�


Eye Relief (in)�

2.8 to 4.1 �

Exit Pupil (mm)�

16.3 to 5.6 �

Field of View (�)�

7.18 to 1.94�

Field of View @ 100yrds (ft)�

37.6 to 10.1�

Adjustment @ 100 yds (clicks/in)�


Tube Size�




Mount On/Comes With�


Housing Material�

6061-T6 aluminum, hard coat anodized per MIL-A-8625, Type III, Class 2 dull & non reflective�

Special Order�



In addition, if one is also a SOT, ATF claims to have the right to enter onto your business premises, during business hours, to verify compliance with the NFA. Their regulation to that effect is found at 27 CFR sec. 179.22. The regulation is apparently based upon 26 USC sec. 7606:


Weaver Scope: 849552 40/44 6.5-20 x 44 Rifle Scope

Great Glass at a Great Value

When it comes to value and performance, Weaver� introduces a new line for the cost-conscious shooter. The 40/44 Series� boasts an increase in scope offerings all with either 40mm or 44mm objectives. This new line of riflescopes include a variety of magnification ranges and increased reticle choices while maintaining the same trusted performance found in each and everyWeaveroptic.

Features & Benefits




Power, Objective

6.5-20 x 44

Special Features



Matte Black




Exit Pupil (MM)


Field of View

ft @ 100 yds/m @ 100m


Eye Relief






Click Value

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M

1/8 / 3.5

Adjustment Range

in. @ 100 yds/M @ 100M





Tube Size

1 inch


Taxpayer privacy

The transfer paperwork is nominally a tax return; the purpose of the registration, and the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record (Registry) is keeping track of who owes the tax. ATF takes the position that taxpayer privacy laws apply to a transfer form, and that they may not discuss a pending transfer with anyone but the taxpayer, who is the transferor (seller), as he is responsible for the tax by law. This also serves to allow ATF to refuse to discuss why a transfer is taking so long with the party who is most interested in that question, the transferee (buyer). However, in another context (releasing information under the Freedom of Information Act) ATF has decided that as to a Form 4, the tax form is a joint return between the transferor and transferee, (see 1980 Auto Ordnance Corp. memo) so in that case the transferee should be entitled to the information about the application on the same basis as the transferor. That is not the usual practice, however. The NFA also prohibits the use of Registry information obtained from natural persons (only) for any law enforcement purpose except prosecutions for making a false statement on a transfer form (26 USC sec. 5848). Other tax laws prohibit the release of transfer information, as a tax return, except for certain narrow law enforcement type circumstances. See 26 USC sec. 6103.


First Woman Takes Helm of Carrier Group
When Nora W. Tyson entered the Navy in 1979, women were not allowed to go to sea on aircraft carriers. The idea of a woman commanding a mighty carrier strike group? That was certainly for another day.

UN Removes Five Taliban From Blacklist
The U.N. Security Council on Friday removed five Taliban members from its sanctions blacklist, a move sought by the Afghan government to promote reconciliation.

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